Version 1.1.6!

This release features several improvements, like:

- The invincibility time after you're hit is now doubled (2 secs instead of 1), thus preventing multiple hits when cornered by an enemy.
- An icon has been added to the hud, just in casual mode, to make it immediately clear wether the rifle is loaded or not.
- A bug affecting (hopefully) Windows version only has been (hopefully!) fixed, where the player was reacting("What was that?") to a sound which was not audible.
- A better explanation of the effects of a certain potion is now provided as you get it.
- Pathfinding and unstucking from solids should now work slightly better.
- Dying pigs now have their own sound, instead of sharing the same with cows. Seriously, I have no idea why I didn't realized this silly mistake so far; I guess this is what happens when you decide to do everything alone. :D

Thanks for you kind tips and feedback! :)

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Nov 10, 2021

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Nice, I might find some time to play again soon.

Last time I died after reaching the town and entering some house, huh. Guess that beast was waiting for me.

You definitely should find some time to try it again.
You can't give up now, man! :)